The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came in to force May 2018. This legislation replaces existing data protection laws and governs how companies collect, hold and use people’s personal data.

Mako Offshore is committed to GDPR compliance and strengthening the security and protection of its customers, clients and employees data.

OMako Offshore therefore abides by the following customer data safeguarding principles:-

  • Only data specifically necessary for the supply of goods and/or services to customers/clients will be collected and stored
  • Customer/Client data is only stored electronically within our premises centralised system and backup disks. These can only be accessed by Directors and Senior Staff
  • Any printed documentation that includes customer/client data is stored at our premises under lock and key. The only key holders are Directors and Senior Members of Staff.
  • All printer documentation is shredded at time of disposal.
  • CCTV camera recordings at our premises will not be kept longer than is necessary for the maintenance of good security
  • Our customers/clients have a permanent right to request that all data be erased at any time. If you wish to be erased from our systems, please contact our Data Protection Officer.

We only use customer/client data in processing the fulfilment of customer orders or providing services, and optional communication of occasional commercial news and offers.

None of our customer/client data is transferred to any third party for marketing purposes.

We expect all of our suppliers to have GDPR procedures in place and encourage customers to familiarise themselves with GDPR.

All our staff are familiar with the importance of GDPR and their personal responsibilities to protecting customer data.

Any questions relating to our GDPR procedures can be addressed to;

Data Protection Officer
Mako Offshore
Tel +44 (0)7999 345 085